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What Is Apple Cider Vinegar?

apple_cider_vinegarApple cider vinegar (also called "cider vinegar") has been promoted as a cure for long lists of ailments, from a dandruff hair rinse to tonic with honey to relieve arthritis pain.

Several types of vinegar have been used for more than 5,000 years. "The Healing Power of Food" explains, "distilled white vinegar, the most potent vinegar, is the one most often recommended for medicinal purposes, although many people prefer cider vinegar..."

Apple Cider Vinegar Contain

Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, is made by fermenting apples in a wood barrel. It can be a powerful, healthy, weapon in your arsenal. It can help you battle a variety of illnesses and flush out toxins.

The truly useful apple cider vinegar is not the clear vinegar you find in many stores. There's no health benefit from clear vinegar. The powerful benefits are found in the natural organic apple cider vinegar with a brownish tinge to it and floating stuff inside. The floating matter is called "mother" and is formed from the pectin and apple residue. This brown vinegar is the one creating all the buzz, the one with the minerals, amino acids and vitamins.

Apple cider vinegar is made by crushing apples and squeezing out the liquid. The fermentation process begins by adding sugar and yeast. The yeast turns the sugars into alcohol. Later, the alcohol is converted by acetic acid-forming bacteria into vinegar. Acetic acid gives vinegar its sour taste.

Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits

Some of the most acceptable health benefits of apple cider vinegar are as follows:

Arthritis: The arthritic condition of inflamed joints is a chronic illness in Western countries, the main cause being the accumulation of toxic waste in the body. Apple cider vinegar is said to relieve the pain in the joints and also checking the dangerous progress of the arthritic condition.
Weight loss: Apple cider vinegar is an excellent therapy for losing excess weight. It works by making the body burn all the unwanted calories and getting the body metabolism working at its best.
High cholesterol levels: The pectin content and amino acids found in alcoholic apple cider is effective in neutralizing the bad cholesterol level in the human body.
Body metabolism: It plays an important role in dealing with speeding up the metabolism of the body. It supports appetite control and fat burning of the body.
Detoxification: Apple cider vinegar is one of the most detoxifying agents that help to cleanse the entire digestive system. Thus, one of the most significant health benefits of apple cider vinegar is that it cleans the blood in the oxidation process.
Diabetes control: This disease needs constant medical care and complete dietary restrictions. The dietary fiber present in apple cider vinegar is extremely beneficial for maintaining proper blood glucose levels.
Skin Care: It aids in restoring the glow of the skin, restricts the dilation of skin pores and improves the circulation of nutrients.
Hair Care: Apple cider vinegar is very useful in dandruff control and balancing the pH level of the scalp. You may also try applying two three spoonfuls of vinegar directly to the scalp and rinsing it after an hour or so.
Diarrhea: The pectin content in apple cider helps treat diarrhea syndrome by forming bulk fibrous matter. In addition to it, the pectin also forms a protective coat for soothing the colon lining.
Diabetes control: This disease needs constant medical care and complete dietary restrictions. The dietary fiber present in apple cider vinegar is extremely beneficial for maintaining proper blood glucose levels.
Depression: Some medical experts do believe that ‘depression syndrome’ may be connected with the physical body more than the mental state. And further more, health benefits of apple cider vinegar could help to fight the melancholic state by means of detoxifying and cleansing the liver.
Pet care: It also comes handy in animal and pet care. In case of cat care, vinegar should be used to clean the litter pan. ACP should be used in rinsing you dog to treat it from therapeutic infections.
Relief from asthma: Many people have found constructive relief from chronic asthma by taking apple cider vinegar, or by applying vinegar soaked pads to the inner region of the wrist area.
Fighting cancerous growth: Apple cider vinegar is not known to cure cancer disease. But, it may aid in fighting the free radicals that have the potential to form cancerous growth. The beta-carotene content acts as an antioxidant and effectively neutralizes the free radicals formed due to oxidation. The free radicals are harmful bodies that could cause major damage to blood cells.

Pectin in the vinegar is a fiber which helps reduce bad cholesterol and helps in regulating blood pressure. The need for calcium supplements once you start growing older is very well-known. This vinegar helps extract calcium from the fruits, vegetables and meat it is mixed with, helping in the process of maintaining strong bones. Potassium deficiency causes a variety of ailments including hair loss, weak finger nails, brittle teeth, sinusitis, and a permanently running nose. Apple cider vinegar is loaded with potassium. Studies have shown that potassium deficiency results in stunted growth. All these ailments can be avoided with the intake of apple cider vinegar. The potassium in this vinegar also helps in eliminating toxic waste from the body. The beta-carotene helps in countering damage caused by free radicals, helping one maintain firmer skin and a youthful appearance. Apple cider vinegar is good for those wanting to lose weight. It helps in breaking down fat which helps in natural weight reduction.

Apple cider vinegar contains malic acid which is very helpful in fighting fungal and bacterial infections. This acid dissolves uric acid deposits that form around joints, helping relieve joint pains. This dissolved uric acid is gradually eliminated from the body.

It is claimed that apple cider vinegar is helpful in ailments such as constipation, headaches, arthritis, weak bones, indigestion, high cholesterol, diarrhea, eczema, sore eyes, chronic fatigue, mild food poisoning, hair loss, high blood pressure, obesity, along with a host of many other ailments.

Benefits: Some of the most acceptable health benefits of apple cider vinegar are as follows:
Arthritis: The arthritic condition of inflamed joints is a chronic illness in Western countries, the main cause being the accumulation of toxic waste in the body. Apple cider vinegar is said to relieve the pain in the joints and also checking the dangerous progress of the arthritic condition.
Weight loss: Apple cider vinegar is an excellent therapy for losing excess weight. It works by making the body burn all the unwanted calories and getting the body metabolism working at its best.
High cholesterol levels: The pectin content and amino acids found in alcoholic apple cider is effective in neutralizing the bad cholesterol level in the human body.
Body metabolism: It plays an important role in dealing with speeding up the metabolism of the body. It supports appetite control and fat burning of the body.
Detoxification: Apple cider vinegar is one of the most detoxifying agents that help to cleanse the entire digestive system. Thus, one of the most significant health benefits of apple cider vinegar is that it cleans the blood in the oxidation process.
Diabetes control: This disease needs constant medical care and complete dietary restrictions. The dietary fiber present in apple cider vinegar is extremely beneficial for maintaining proper blood glucose levels.
Skin Care: It aids in restoring the glow of the skin, restricts the dilation of skin pores and improves the circulation of nutrients.
Hair Care: Apple cider vinegar is very useful in dandruff control and balancing the pH level of the scalp. You may also try applying two three spoonfuls of vinegar directly to the scalp and rinsing it after an hour or so.
Diarrhea: The pectin content in apple cider helps treat diarrhea syndrome by forming bulk fibrous matter. In addition to it, the pectin also forms a protective coat for soothing the colon lining.
Diabetes control: This disease needs constant medical care and complete dietary restrictions. The dietary fiber present in apple cider vinegar is extremely beneficial for maintaining proper blood glucose levels.
Depression: Some medical experts do believe that ‘depression syndrome’ may be connected with the physical body more than the mental state. And further more, health benefits of apple cider vinegar could help to fight the melancholic state by means of detoxifying and cleansing the liver.
Pet care: It also comes handy in animal and pet care. In case of cat care, vinegar should be used to clean the litter pan. ACP should be used in rinsing you dog to treat it from therapeutic infections.
Relief from asthma: Many people have found constructive relief from chronic asthma by taking apple cider vinegar, or by applying vinegar soaked pads to the inner region of the wrist area.
Fighting cancerous growth: Apple cider vinegar is not known to cure cancer disease. But, it may aid in fighting the free radicals that have the potential to form cancerous growth. The beta-carotene content acts as an antioxidant and effectively neutralizes the free radicals formed due to oxidation. The free radicals are harmful bodies that could cause major damage to blood cells..

applecidervinegardietFor example, a preliminary study by researchers at Arizona State University, published in the journal Diabetes Care, examined people with type 2 diabetes. Study participants took either two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar or water with one ounce of cheese at bedtime for two days. The researchers found taking two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar at bedtime had a favorable impact on blood glucose levels the next morning. Prior to the study, the average fasting blood glucose level was 137 mg/dL. It decreased by 2% with the cheese and by 4% with the vinegar, a statistically significant difference. In people with a fasting glucose level above 130 mg/dL prior to the study, the vinegar reduced glucose levels by as much as 6%. The study was very small and the duration was short, so more research is needed.

Other studies have found that vinegar can lower the post-meal rise in glucose. The acetic acid in vinegar is thought to slow starch digestion and reduce the glycemic index of starchy foods. For example, a small study compared the effect of vinegar with white bread on blood glucose and insulin levels. Researchers found that those who took vinegar with white bread had lower post-meal blood glucose and insulin levels and it also appeared to increase satiety ratings.

How to Use
Most people take 2 tablespoons of ACV in a glass of water with some honey for sweetener up to three times a day. You may want to drinkvinegar-apple-cider-waterit with a straw to keep the acid from harming your tooth enamel. There are also apple cider vinegar pills that are easier to swallow. Other people rinse their hair in it, use it as an astringent for the skin, add it to the bath and even douche with it. Sprinkle it on your salads and use it whenever you would normally use vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar is often added to water, so add two teaspoons of cider vinegar, preferably organic, to a glass of water and drink. If you wish to sweeten the drink, add honey for some extra health benefits and drink it hot for a comforting drink in winter. For maximum benefit, drink this between one and three times a day. Cider vinegar can also be used in cooking, salad dressings, mayonnaise or mixed with vegetables. For acid reflux and indigestion, try taking a tablespoon of organic cider vinegar before every meal. If you really cannot drink apple cider vinegar, there are also many cider vinegar supplements available nowadays.

Animals love ACV. It can be used as a tonic to relieve skin conditions, keep their coat soft and shiny and help repel mosquitoes, tic and fleas.

Other Uses for ACV include sanitizing counters, removing soap scum, cleaning jewelry and any cleaning in general. It is very inexpensive and is useful for so many things. It’s one thing you want to keep around the house!

What are the Side Effects of Apple Cider Vinegar?
There are no major known side effects of Apple Cider Vinegar when used in moderation. However, drinking vinegars, acids or even lemon juices on a regular basis can lead to a deterioration of dental enamel. This can give your teeth a yellowish look and make them more sensitive to heat and cold. To prevent this, the vinegar should always be diluted with water or a pinch of baking soda should be added in order to reduce the acidity level.

Apple cider vinegar is highly acidic. The main ingredient of apple cider vinegar is acetic acid. As the name suggests, it's quite harsh. Apple cider vinegar should always be diluted with water or juice before swallowed. Pure apple cider vinegar could damage the tooth enamel and the tissues in your throat and mouth. One study found a woman who got an apple cider vinegar supplement stuck in her throat. She seemed to have suffered lasting damage to her esophagus. Vinegar has been known to cause contact burns to the skin.

Long-term use of apple cider vinegar could cause low potassium levels and lower bone density. If you already have low potassium or osteoporosis, talk to your doctor before using apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar could theoretically interact with diuretics, laxatives, and medicines for diabetes and heart disease.
If you have diabetes, check with your doctor before using apple cider vinegar. Vinegar contains chromium, which can alter your insulin levels.

Best products

Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar is made from organically grown apples. Apple cider vinegar is regarded as the “Wonder Drug” by many. They may have a point since it has withstood the test of time. Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, used apple cider vinegar around 400 B.C. because of its amazing qualities that give health benefits.

Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar has been called “the icing on the cake” to a daily diet. Give it a try by supplementing it into your daily diet!

If you're thinking about trying apple cider vinegar, talk to your doctor first. It's always worth getting an expert's advice. Your doctor can also make sure that the apple cider vinegar won't affect other health conditions or the effectiveness of the medicines you take. Trying to control a serious medical condition on your own with an unproven treatment is both unwise and dangerous.


Disclaimer: This website is for information purposes only. By providing the information contained herein we are not diagnosing, treating, curing, mitigating, or preventing any type of disease or medical condition. Before beginning any type of natural, integrative or conventional treatment regime, it is advisible to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare professional.

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